Professional Development
We work with schools and districts to develop, implement, and monitor mathematics programs that develop all students as mathematical thinkers and problem solvers and address the following questions:
How do we develop a shared understanding of effective mathematics instruction?
How can we use principles from the ICUCARE framework as a lens for developing and assessing the effectiveness of our mathematics improvement plan?
How do we collect meaningful data about our mathematics program in ways that are respectful to both teachers and students?
How do we provide observation feedback that is specific, constructive, and empowering?
How can we involve community stakeholders in developing and supporting implementation of the mathematics plan?
We provide the following mathematics professional learning opportunities to empower educators to create more equitable math classrooms:
Choosing to See book talks
Workshops and seminars on the ICUCARE equity framework
PLC support
Conference presentations
Education Products
Curriculum Development
Our online store provides the following products that support the implementation of the ICUCARE equity framework:
Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom - a book written by Pamela Seda and Kyndall Brown that describes the ICUCARE equity framework in great detail by weaving together research, both personal and professional stories, and practical examples
The VANG Game - interactive math card game that addresses foundational math concepts in a fun and engaging way (discussed in chapter six of Choosing to See)
Standards for Mathematical Practice Posters - student and classroom posters that illustrate each of the 8 Mathematical Practices in ways that students can understand (discussed in the introduction of Choosing to See)
We facilitate the development of school/district curriculum resources aligned to state math standards that help all students see themselves as doers of mathematics and challenge stereotypes about who is mathematically smart. Some examples are:​
Culturally relevant math tasks
Activities that build the confidence and competence of students
Resources that assess, activate, and build on the prior knowledge of students
The VANG Game
The VANG Game is an interactive learning game that engages students in active problem solving and critical thinking, through individual and group competition.
This highly interactive card game increases engagement and deepens understanding by helping students make connections between verbal, algebraic, numerical, and graphical representations of important math concepts.
You can purchase the VANG Game at the Store.